DESCRIPTION The past comes alive as our heroes reach Theramore, where the lore of Jaina Proudmore reveals Lo’Gosh’s hidden identity. But has it truly done so? Meanwhile, the assassin and the naga simultaneously seek to destroy Lo’Gosh before he can reach the end of his quest. Written by Walter Simonson; Art by Ludo Lullabi and Sandra Hope; Covers by Jim Lee and Samwise Didier PREVIEW
SPOILERS After the 5 page preview leaves off, Valeera manages to get on her wyvern and escape the sentinels. They recall that a Blood Elf female was supposedly one of the Dire Maul champs, and since she was skilled enough to escape them they figure she was telling the truth and don’t bother to give pursuit. Valeera heads to Darnassus where she expects to be unwelcome … Tyrande is thankful for what happened with the Idol in Thistlefur, but senses some bad magic around Lo‘Gosh. She sends him to Theramore figuring Jaina can restore his memories because she is a big-time mage. Since Sharptalon was hurt in their recent battles, they check him out with the Rut’theran Hippo master who says they should be able to make the trip. Here’s one of those little good things about the book, the master is Vesprystus, the actual hippo master located in the village in WoW, and even is drawn to look like him. This kind of little attention to detail pleases me greatly because it could have been easily looked over. Valeera stealthily lands on the island to look around, and overhears some nelf babes asking Vesprystus about the DM champs. He tells them they’re too late because they already left for Theramore, and mentions that they must be real famous because some human on a gryphon was just asking about them too. This of course was the Assassin. Valeera then sets off pushing her wyvern to the max to try and save them. She gets close enough to see Broll and Lo’Gosh flying over Dustwallow, but the assassin is right behind them. They don’t notice because Broll is basically giving Lo’Gosh the grand tour. Broll even mentions that the marsh is a good source for herbs like Stranglekelp, Liferoot, and Goldthorn (which it actually is in game, again great attention to detail). The assassin is lining up a crossbow shot, when Valeera nails him with a deadly throw and tackles him from his flying mount. They land and get tangled in some spider webs. An old lady and her assistant notice this impressive aerial battle. Jaina is looking forward to seeing Broll again, remembering his heroics at Hyjal. She also looks hot, unlike her much hated trading-card image. You can understand why all the WC universe males want to get with her. She sensed Lo’Gosh has really bad sorcery on him and she knows lots of spells, but never saw this before. She’ll need to consult her chamberlain … Valeera and the assassin are battling it out in the web. She wants to know who wants Lo‘Gosh dead. He doesn’t know, and even if he did he wouldn’t tell her. He sends his gryphon to grab her, she stabs it in the eye. Looks like he’s going to finish it, but he gets attacked from behind by a giant tarantula (just like the ones you see in the marsh in-game). The Old Lady decides to help the wounded Blood Elf, who senses power about her. Turns out, she’s Aegwynn. They bring her back to Theramore for a real healer. Back in town and time to help Lo’Gosh. Even the former Guardian is puzzled by the dark aura, so they do a ritual to see what they can find. He sees all the visions he had before, and new ones. They’re not entirely clear. Apparently his wife was struck by a flying stone and killed. Their was anguish and darkness, but then he remembers his purpose. He was going to Theramore! There is apparently a wall that neither mage can get through guarding the core, and they can only scratch the surface. However, Jaina has seen enough to figure out who he is. He’s Varian Wrynn, the missing King of Stormwind they all gave up for dead! Now, he’s got to find out what happened to him between the time he left for Theramore and the time he woke up in Durotar, and he needs to find the identities of his enemies. However, he’s got to act really carefully because his son is still in SW and acting rashly could endanger him. They decide to head to the Eastern Kingdoms, but Broll wants to free Valeera first. Too late, she’s there and jumps into Broll’s arms. Although rumors had Valeera and Lo’Gosh supposedly hooking up, I haven’t seen anything at all to indicate this. If anything, it seems like Valeera and Broll are developing a relationship, although it could be a father-daughter type thing (Broll’s own daughter is dead). They’re all happy to be reunited, and they’re off on bost to the eastern kingdoms to find out who’s responsible and kick their asses. Final thoughts: Despite the rumors from the cover, there was no hints at a Jaina-Varian relationship. This was the best issue yet. Amazing artwork. Incredible attention to detail and respect to established lore, the likes of which absolutely puts the manga and many of the novels to shame. Lots of famous faces, Fandral, Tyrande, Jaina, Aegwynn. The entire comic so far has really embodied the spirit of (world of) warcraft in a way few of the other mediums have. Yes, we knew who he really was long ago. That doesn’t really detract from the entertaining journey he’s gone on to me. Summary by Gurtogg_Bloodboil |
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