The Diablo closed alpha has been running for 42 days straight, today. Felt like a good timing to share the class builds of the top Challenge Rift leaderboard winners.

Diablo Immortal Closed Alpha Class Builds
TEACHERMAN (Paragon 95)
Gear Rank 19
Berserker's Sanity (Head) - Wrath of the Berserker now also dispels effects which cause loss of control of your character.
The Gathering (Chest) - Whirlwind pulls in all enemies it damages.
Ymada's Cyclone (Shoulders) - Whirlwind damage increased by 10%.
Determination (Legs) - Furious Charge can now be charged up to increase its range and damage.
The Tempest (Main Hand) - Whirlwind radius increased, but Whirlwind movement speed reduced.
The Remembered - Hammer of the Ancients now summons a Spirit of the Ancients who stuns all nearby enemies and then fights beside you for a while.
Charm - Undying Rage + 1, Whirlwind Rank +1, Sprint Rank +1.
Fervent Fang
Power and Command
Chip of Stoned Flesh
Trickshot Gem
Howler's Call
Damage 8919
Life 69042
Strength 1158
Intelligence 0
Fortitude 1051
Vitality 993
Willpower 767
Hammer of the Ancients
Wrath of the Berserker
Vanquisher 57/100
Treasure Hunter 21/100
Damage 675
Armor Penetration 1500
Armor 300
Tourmaline x5 (Damage)
Citrine x2 (Potency)
Sapphire x3 (Armor Penetration)
Topaz x3 (Resistance)
16 Strength, 14 Vitality, 17 Fortitude. Bonus: Your Primary Attacks have a 2% chance to increase all damage you deal by 100% for 1 sec.
20 Strength, 20 Fortitude, 16 Willpower. Bonus: 2% chance when attacked to Immobilize your attacker.
13 Strength, 18 Vitality, 16 Willpower. Bonus: 2% chance when attacked to gain an absorption shield for 6 sec.
18 Strength, 15 Vitality, 20 Willpower. Bonus: 2% chance when attacked to Immobilize your attacker.
20 Intelligence, 15 Fortitude, 19 Willpower. Bonus: 2% chance when you kill an enemy to summon a fireball-spitting Hydra.
Many-Eyed Aegis (Head) - Your Consecration now moves with you.
Besieger (Chest) - Draw and Quarter periodically calls down a bombardment for 1424 damage to nearby enemies.
Sivket's Advantage (Shoulders) - Draw and Quarter duration increased by 30%.
Cavalier's Courtwear (Legs) - Draw and Quarter nwo damages enemies when you run over them and knocks them away, but it no longer drags enemies.
Tumult (Main Hand) - Falling Sword now summons a storm of blades around it, continually damaging all nearby enemies, but can no longer be activated again for movement.
Pavise of Ten Wings - Spinning Shield now spirals around you and does not return.
Fervent Fang
Power and Command
Blessing of the Worthy
Respite Stone
Chip of Stoned Flesh
Frozen Heart
Sacred Fire Spinning Shield Falling Sword Drawn and Quarter Consecration
Damage 9515
Life 79217
Strength 1225
Intelligence 19
Fortitude 971
Vitality 1075
Willpower 818
Vanquisher 57/100
Treasure Hunter 54/100
Damage 675
Armor Penetration 2400
Resistance 150
Armor 300
Tourmaline x 4 (Damage)
Citrine x 1 (Potency)
Aquamarine x 1 (Armor)
Sapphire x 4 (Armor Penetration)
Topax x 4 (Resistance)
19 Intelligence, 14 Vitality, 20 Fortitude. Bonus: 2% chance when you kill an enemy to summon a fireball-spitting Hydra.
19 Strength, 14 Vitality, 15 Willpower. Bonus: Your Primary Attacks have a 2% chance to inflict 5954 damage and Stun nearby enemies for 1.5 sec.
19 Strength, 16 Vitality, 15 Willpower. Bonus: Your Primary Attacks have a 2% chance to increase all damage you deal by 100% for 1 sec.
19 Vitality, 19 Fortitude, 17 Willpower. Bonus: 2% chance when you kill an enemy to make the corpse explode, damaging all nearby enemies.
20 Vitality, 15 Fortitude, 19 Willpower. Bonus: Your Primary Attacks have a 2% chance to increase all damage you deal by 100% for 1 sec.
16 Vitality, 18 Fortitude, 18 Willpower. Bonus: 2% chance when you kill an enemy to summon a fireball-spitting Hydra.
Ysil's Contained Destruction (Head) - Sentry now fires mortars that explode to damage all enemies in an area.
Plate of Lethal Intent (Chest) - Knife Trap arming time reduced by 65%.
Bladewings (Shoulders) - Knife Trap maximum number active increased by 2.
Assassin's Heritage (Legs) - Smoke Screen instead throws an explosive grenade at a location.
Flamespite (Main Hand) - Multishot now fires flaming arrows that damage and Burn enemies.
The Hungerer (Off-Hand) - Crossbow Shot will now pierce through enemies and strike additional enemies behind.
Charm - Vengeance Rank +1, Knife Trap Rank +2
Fervent Fang
Power and Command
Cutthroat's Grin
Ca'arsen's Invigoration
Chip of Stoned Flesh
Lightning Core
Ruby x 1 (Life)
Tourmaline x4 (Damage)
Topaz x2 (Resistance)
Sapphire x3 (Armor Penetration)
Citrine x2 (Potency)
Aquamarine x 1 (Armor)
Crossbow Shot
Knife Trap
Damage 8042
Life 72659
Strength 1025
Intelligence 0
Fortitude 950
Vitality 963
Willpower 793
Vanquisher 72/100
Potency 100
Damage 420
Life 3750
Crippling Insight (Head) - Exploding Palm maximum charges increased by 1.
Breath of Incense (Chest) - Seven-Sided Strike can now trigger the Exploding Palm explosion when it kills Bleeding enemies.
Disciplines Weight (Shoulders) - Seven-Sided Strike damage increased by 10%.
Path of the Storm (Legs) - Cyclone Strike also temporarily reduces all damage you take by 20%.
Dragon's Indignation (Main Hand) - Seven-sided Strike turns to Fire, with additional Burning effect.
Reaching Rebuke (Off-Hand) - Exploding Palm now launches you at a location and strikes that area with a giant palm as you land, damaging all nearby enemies, but its cooldown is increased.
Charm - Fists of Thunder Rank +1, Seven-Sided Strike Rank +1, Mystic Allies Rank +1
Seled's Weakening
Ca'arsen's Invigoration
The Black Rose
Power and Command
Lightning Core
Fervent Fang
Fists of Thunder
Cyclone Strike
Seven-Sided Strike
Mystic Strike
Exploding Palm
Damage 7304
Life 65230
Strength 967
Intelligence 0
Fortitude 855
Vitality 823
Willpower 870
Vanquisher 69/100
Tourmaline x3 (Damage)
Citrine x3 (Potency)
Ruby x 1 (Life)
Topaz x 2 (Resistance)
Sapphire x 3 (Armor Penetration)
14 Strength, 18 Vitality, 16 Willpower. Bonus: 2% chance when attacked to immobilize your attacker.
16 Vitality, 16 Fortitude, 14 Willpower. Bonus: 2% chance when you kill an enemy to summon a fireball-spitting Hydra.
18 Strength. 13 Vitality. 18 Fortitude. Bonus: Your Primary Attacks have a 2% chance to increase all damage you deal by 100% for 1 sec.
19 Strength. 17 Fortitude. 18 Willpower. Bonus: 2% chance when attacked to Immobilize your attacker.
18 Vitality. 20 Fortitude. 16 Willpower. Bonus: Your Primary Attacks have a 2% chance to increase all damage you deal by 100% for 1 sec.
Lyann's Resonant Wisdom (Head) - Teleport now conjures a lightning cloud at your destination, dealing 3200 damage to all nearby enemies over 2.5 sec.
Starcaller's Drapery (Chest) - Meteor radius increased by 20%.
Shoulders of the Cataclysm (Shoulders) - Meteor damage increased by 10%.
Starcaller's Breeches (Legs) - Meteor now continually damages enemies in an area, but no longer Stuns.
Windshaper (Main Hand) - Arcane Wind now summons a Tornado that follows enemies and continually damages all enemies in its path.
The Siphon (Off-Hand) - Casting Lightning Nova temporarily increases your movement speed by 60%.
Charm - Lightning Nova +1, Arcane Torrent Rank +1, Meteor Rank +1.
Bloody Reach
Lightning Core
The Hunger
Power and Command
Fervent Fang
Chip of Stoned Flesh
Arcane Wind
Lightning Nova
Damage 8963
Life 73536
Strength 0
Intelligence 1146
Fortitude 1154
Vitality 975
Willpower 952
Vanquisher 100/100
Treasure Hunter 18/100
Potency 100
Damage 630
Life 3750
Armor Penetration 1500
Armor 300
Tourmaline x 5 (Damage)
Citrine x 1 (Potency)
Topax x 4 (Resistance)
Sapphire x 3 (Armor Penetration)
Intelligence 18, Vitality 20, Willpower 19. Bonus: 2% chance when you kill an enemy to make the corpse explode, damaging all nearby enemies.
16 intelligence, 19 Vitality, 17 Willpower. Bonus: 2% chance when you kill an enemy to summon a fireball-spitting Hydra.
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