This article illustrates the zone level for Normal, Nightmare and Hell difficulty. You can easily find what zones to farm a specific item you are looking for: whether a charm, rune, gem, or gear.

1 Blood Moor (Act 1)
Den of Evil (Act 1)
2 Cold Plain (Act 1)
The Cave Level 1-2 (Act 1)
3 Burial Grounds (Act 1)
The Crypt (Act 1)
Mausoleum (Act 1)
4 Stony Field (Act 1)
Underground Passage Level 1-2 (Act 1)
5 Dark Wood (Act 1)
The Hole Level 1-2 (Act 1)
6 Black Marsh (Act 1)
Tristram (Act 1)
7 The Pit Level 1-2 (Act 1: Tamoe Highlands)
Tower Cellar Level 1-5 (Act 1: Black Marsh)
8 Tamoe Highland (Act 1)
Monastery Gate (Act 1: Tamoe Highlands)
9 Outer Cloister (Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
Barracks (Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
10 Jail Level 1-3 (Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
Inner Cloister (Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
11 Cathedral (Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
Catacombs Level 1-2 (Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
12 Catacombs Level 3-4 (Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
Stony Tomb Level 1-2 (Act 2: Rocky Waste)
Halls of the Dead Level 1 (Act 2: Dry Hills)
13 Sewers Level 1-2 (Act 2: Lut Gholein)
Harem Level 2 (Act 2: Lut Gholein)
Palace Cellar Level 1-3 (Act 2: Lut Gholein)
Halls of the Dead Level 2-3 (Act 2: Dry Hills)
14 Rocky Waste (Act 2)
Sewers Level 3 (Act 2: Lut Gholein)
Claw Viper Temple Level 1-2 (Act 2: Valley of Snakes - after Lost City)
Arcane Sanctuary (Act 2: Lut Gholein Palace)
15 Dry Hills (Act 2)
16 Far Oasis Act 2)
Canyon of the Magi (Act 2: Via the Arcane Sanctuary in Lut Gholein Palace)
17 Lost City (Act 2)
Maggot Lair Level 1-3 (Act 2: Far Oasis)
Ancient Tunnels (Act 2: Lost City)
Tal Rasha's Tomb (Act 2: Canyon of the Magi)
Tal Rasha's Chamber (Act 2: Tal Rasha's Tomb in Canyon of the Magi)
18 Valley of Snakes (Act 2)
21 Spider Forest (Act 3)
Great Marsh (Act 3)
Arachnid Cave (Act 3: Spider Forest)
Spider Cavern (Act 3: Spider Forest)
Swampy Pit Level 1-3 (Act 3: Flayer Jungle)
22 Flayer Jungle (Act 3)
Lower Kurast (Act 3)
Kurast Bazaar (Act 3)
Flayer Dungeon Level 1-3 (Act 3: Flayer Jungle)
23 Upper Kurast (Act 3)
Sewers Level 1 (Act 3: Kurast Bazaar and Upper Kurast)
Ruined Temple (Act 3: Kurast Bazaar)
Disused Fane (Act 3: Kurast Bazaar)
Forgotten Reliquary (Act 3: Upper Kurast)
24 Kurast Causeway (Act 3: bridge between Upper Kurast and Travincal)
Travincal (Act 3)
Sewers Level 2 (Act 3: Kurast Bazaar or Upper Kurast)
Forgotten Temple (Act 3: Upper Kurast)
Ruined Fane (Act 3: Kurast Causeway)
Disused Reliquary (Act 3: Kurast Causeway)
Bloody Foothills (Act 5: outside Harrogath)
25 Durance of Hate Level 1-3 (Act 3: Travincal)
Frigid Highlands (Act 5)
26 Outer Steppes (Act 4: outside Pandemonium Fortress)
Plains of Despair (Act 4)
Arreat Plateau (Act 5)
27 City of the Damned (Act 4)
River of Flame (Act 4)
Frozen Tundra (Act 5)
28 Chaos Sanctuary (Act 4: where Diablo is fought)
Secret Cow Level (Add Wirt's Leg from Tristram + Tome of Portal to Horadric Cube while in Act 1: Rogue Camp)
29 Crystalline Passage (Act 5)
Frozen River (Act 5)
Glacial Trail (Act 5)
Drifter Cavern (Act 5: Glacial Trail)
Ancient's Way (Act 5)
Icy Cellar (Act 5: Ancient's Way)
32 Nihlathak's Temple (Act 5)
33 Halls of Anguish (Act 5: Nihlatak's Temple)
34 Halls of Pain (Act 5: Nihlatak's Temple)
36 Halls of Vaught (Act 5: Nihlatak's Temple)
37 Arreat Summit (Act 5)
39 Abbadon (Act 5: Frigid Highlands)
Pit of Acheron (Act 5: Arreat Plateau)
Infernal Pit (Act 5: Frozen Tundra)
The Worldstone Keep Level 1 (Act 5)
40 The Worldstone Keep Level 2 (Act 5)
42 The Worldstone Keep Level 3 (Act 5)
43 Worldstone Chamber (Act 5: Baal)
36 Blood Moor (Act 1: outside the Rogue Camp)
Cold Plains (Act 1)
Den of Evil (Act 1: Blood Moor)
The Cave Level 1 (Act 1: Cold Plains)
Burial Grounds Act 1: near Cold Plains)
37 Stony Field (Act 1)
Underground Passage Level 1 (Act 1: tunnel that connects Cold Plains and Dark Wood)
The Cave Level 2 (Act 1: Cold Plains)
Crypt (Act 1: Burial Grounds, near Cold Plains)
Mausoleum (Act 1: Burial Grounds, near Cold Plains)
38 Dark Wood (Act 1)
Black Marsh (Act 1)
The Hole Level 1 (Act 1: Black Marsh)
Underground Passage Level 2 (Act 1: tunnel that connects Cold Plains and Dark Wood)
Tower Cellar Level 1 Act 1: Black Marsh)
39 Tamoe Highland (Act 1)
The Pit Level 1 (Act 1: Tamoe Highland)
The Hole Level 2 (Act 1: Black Marsh)
Tower Cellar Level 2 Act 1: Black Marsh)
Tristram (Act 1: Accessed via Cairne Stones in Stony Field)
40 The Pit Level 2 (Act 1: Tamoe Highland)
Tower Cellar Level 3 (Act 1: Black Marsh)
Monastery Gate (Act 1)
Outer Cloister (Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
Barracks (Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
41 Tower Cellar Level 4 (Act 1: Black Marsh)
Jail Level 1-3 (Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
Inner Cloister (Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
42 Tower Cellar Level 5 Act 1: Black Marsh)
Cathedral (Act 1: Rogue Monastery, near Inner Cloister)
Catacombs Level 1-2 Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
43 Catacombs Level 3-4 Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
Rocky Waste (Act 2: outside Lut Gholein's gate)
Sewers Level 1-2 (Act 2: Lut Gholein)
44 Sewers Level 3 (Act 2: Lut Gholein)
Stony Tomb Level 1-2 (Act 2: Rocky Waste)
Dry Hills (Act 2)
Halls of the Dead Level 1 (Act 2: Dry Hills)
45 Halls of the Dead Level 2-3 (Act 2: Dry Hills)
Far Oasis (Act 2)
Maggot Lair Level 1-2 (Act 2: Far Oasis)
46 Lost City (Act 2: beyond Far Oasis)
Valley of Snakes (Act 2: beyond Lost City)
Maggot Lair Level 3 (Act 2: Far Oasis)
Ancient Tunnels (Act 2: sewer beneath Lost City)
47 Harem Level 2 (Act 2: Lut Gholein palace)
Palace Cellar Level 1-2 (Act 2: Lut Gholein palace)
Claw Viper Temple Level 1-2 (Act 2: Valley of Snakes, beyond Lost City)
48 Palace Cellar Level 3 (Act 2: Lut Gholein palace)
Arcane Sanctuary (Act 2: inside Lut Gholein palace; or waypoint)
Canyon of the Magi (Act 2: accessed via red portal in the Arcane Sanctuary in the Lut Gholein palace after killing The Summoner; or waypoint)
49 Tal Rasha's Tomb (Act 2: Canyon of the Magi)
Tal Rasha's Chamber (Act 2: Tal Rasha's Tomb in Canyon of the Magi)
Spider Forest (Act 3)
50 Great Marsh (Act 3)
Flayer Jungle (Act 3)
Arachnid Lair (Act 3: Spider Forest)
Spider Cavern (Act 3: Spider Forest)
51 Swampy Pit Level 1-3 (Act 3: Flayer Jungle)
Flayer Dungeon Level 1-3
52 Lower Kurast (Act 3)
Kurast Bazaar (Act 3)
Upper Kurast (Act 3)
Sewers Level 1 (Act 3: Kurast Bazaar or Upper Kurast)
53 Kurast Causeway (Act 3: bridge between Upper Kurast and Travincal)
Sewers Level 2 (Act 3: Kurast Bazaar or Upper Kurast)
Ruined Temple (Act 3: Kurast Bazaar)
Disused Temple (Act 3: Kurast Bazaar)
Forgotten Reliquary (Act 3: Upper Kurast)
54 Travincal (Act 3)
Forgotten Temple (Act 3: Upper Kurast)
Ruined Fane (Act 3: Kurast Causeway -- bridge between Upper Kurast and Travincal)
Disused Reliquary Kurast Causeway -- bridge between Upper Kurast and Travincal)
55 Durance of Hate Level 1-3 (Act 3: Travincal)
56 Outer Steppes (Act 4: outside the Pandemonium Fortress)
Plains of Despair (Act 4: beyond Outer Steppes)
57 City of the Damned (Act 4: beyond Plains of Despair)
River of Flame (Act 4: stairway into lava pit in City of the Damned)
58 Chaos Sanctuary (Act 4: where Diablo is fought)
Bloody Foothills (Act 5: outside Harrogath's gate)
59 Frigid Highlands (Act 5)
60 Arreat Plateau (Act 5)
Frozen Tundra (Act 5)
Abaddon (Act 5: Frigid Highlands)
61 Crystalline Passage (Act 5)
Frozen River (Act 5: within Crystalline Passage)
Glacial Trail (Act 5: past Crystalline Passage)
Drifter Cavern (Act 5: within Glacial Trail)
Pit of Acheron (Act 5: within Arreat Plateau)
62 Infernal Pit (Act 5: within Frozen Tundra)
Ancient's Way (Act 5: beyond Frozen Tundra)
Icy Cellar (Act 5: within Ancient's Way)
63 Nihlatak's Temple (Act 5)
Halls of Anguish (Act 5: Nihlatak's Temple)
64 Secret Cow Level (Add Wirt's Leg from Tristram + Tome of Portal inside the Horadric Cube to open red portal within Act 1: Rogue Encampment)
Halls of Pain (Act 5: Nihlatak's Temple)
Halls of Vaught (Act 5: Nihlatak's Temple)
65 The Worldstone Keep Level 1-2 (Act 5)
66 The Worldstone Keep Level 3 (Act 5)
Throne of Destruction (Act 5)
Worldstone Chamber (Act 5: Baal)
67 Blood Moor (Act 1: ouside the Rogue Encampment)
68 Cold Plains (Act 1)
Stony Field (Act 1)
Dark Wood (Act 1)
69 Underground Passage Level 1 (Act 1: tunnel connecting Stony Field and Dark Wood)
Black Marsh (Act 1)
Tamoe Highland (Act 1)
70 Monastery Gate (Act 1: Tamoe Highland)
Outer Cloister (Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
Barracks (Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
71 Jail Level 1-3 (Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
72 Inner Cloister (Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
Cathedral (Act 1: Rogue Monastery, beyond Inner Cloister)
Catacombs Level 1 (Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
73 Catacombs Level 2-4 (Act 1: Rogue Monastery)
74 Sewers Level 1-2 (Act 2: Lut Gholein)
75 Tower Cellar Level 1 (Act 1: Black Marsh)
Sewers Level 3 (Act 2: Lut Gholein)
Rocky Waste (Act 2: outside Lut Gholein's gate)
76 Tristram (Act 1: via Cairne Stones in Stony Field)
Tower Cellar Level 2 (Act 1: Black Marsh)
Dry Hills (Act 2)
Far Oasis (Act 2)
77 The Cave Level 1 (Act 1: Cold Plains)
Tower Cellar Level 3 (Act 1: Black Marsh)
Lost City (Act 2)
Valley of Snakes (Act 2: beyond Lost City)
78 The Cave Level 2 (Act 1: Cold Plains)
Tower Cellar Level 4 (Act 1: Black Marsh)
Harem Level 2 (Act 2: Lut Gholein palace)
Palace Cellar Level 1-3 (Act 2: Lut Gholein palace)
Stony Tomb Level 1 (Act 2: Rocky Wastes -- outside Lut Gholein's gate)
79 Den of Evil (Act 1: Blood Moor -- outside the Rogue Encampment)
Tower Cellar Level 5 (Act 1: Black Marsh)
Halls of the Dead Level 1 (Act 2: Dry Hills)
Arcane Sanctuary (Act 2: inside Lut Gholein palace)
Canyon of the Magi (Act 2: waypoint; or kill The Summoner in the Arcane Sanctuary -- inside the Lut Gholein palace -- to open a red portal to this location)
Stony Tomb (Act 2: Rocky Wastes -- outside Lut Gholein's gate)
Spider Forest (Act 3)
Arachnid Lair (Act 3: Spider Forest)
Spider Cavern (Act 3: Spider Forest)
80 Burial Grounds (Act 1: near Cold Plains)
The Hole Level 1 (Act 1: Black Marsh)
Tal Rasha's Tomb (Act 2: Canyon of the Magi)
Tal Rasha's Chamber (Act 2: in Tal Rasha's Tomb, via Canyon of the Magi)
Great Marsh (Act 3)
Flayer Jungle (Act 3)
Swampy Pit Level 1 (Act 3: Flayer Jungle)
Lower Kurast (Act 3)
Bloody Foothills (Act 5: outside of Harrogath's gate)
81 The Hole Level 2 (Act 1: Black Marsh)
Secret Cow Level (Add a Wirt's Leg from Tristram Hell difficulty + Tome of Portal in the Horadric Cube within Act 1: Rogue Encampment to open a red portal)
Halls of the Dead Level 2 (Act 2: Dry Hills)
Swampy Pit Level 2 (Act 3: Flayer Jungle)
Kurast Bazaar (Act 3)
Upper Kurast (Act 3)
Kurast Causeway (Act 3: bridge between Upper Kurast and Travincal)
Flayer Dungeon Level 1 (Act 3: Flayer Jungle)
Frigid Highlands (Act 5)
Arreat Plateau (Act 5)
Frozen Tundra (Act 5)
Abaddon (Act 5: within Frigid Highlands)
82 Halls of the Dead Level 3 (Act 2: Dry Hills)
Claw Viper Temple Level 1 (Act 2: Valley of Snakes -- beyond Lost City)
Flayer Dungeon (Act 3: Flayer Jungle)
Swampy Pit Level 3 (Act 3: Flayer Jungle)
Travincal (Act 3)
Outer Steppes (Act 4: outside the Pandemonium Fortress)
Crystalline Passage (Act 5)
Ancient's Way (Act 5)
Pit of Acheron (Act 5: Arreat Plateau)
83 Crypt (Act 1: Burial Grounds, near Cold Plains)
Underground Passage Level 2 (Act 1: tunnel connecting Stony Field and Dark Wood)
Claw Viper Temple Level 2 (Act 2: Valley of Snakes, beyond Lost City)
Flayer Dungeon Level 3 (Act 3: Flayer Jungle)
Durance of Hate Level 1-3 (Act 3: Travincal)
Plains of Despair (Act 4)
Frozen River (Act 5: within Crystalline Passage)
Glacial Trail (Act 5: beyond Crystalline Passage)
Icy Cellar (Act 5: within Ancient's Way)
Nihlathak's Temple (Act 5)
Halls of Anguish (Act 5: Nihlathak's Temple)
Infernal Pit (Act 5: within Frozen Tundra)
84 Maggot Lair Level 1-2 (Act 2: Far Oasis)
Sewers Level 1 (Act 3: Kurast Bazaar or Upper Kurast)
Ruined Temple (Act 3: Kurast Bazaar)
Disused Fane (Act 3: Kurast Bazaar)
Forgotten Reliquary (Act 3: Upper Kurast)
City of the Damned (Act 4)
Drifter Cavern (Act 5: within Glacial Trail)
Halls of Pain (Act 5: Nihlathak's Temple)
Halls of Vaught (Act 5: Nihlathak's Temple)
85 Mausoleum (Act 1: within Burial Grounds -- near Cold Plains)
The Pit Level 1-2 (Act 1: Tamoe Highland)
Maggot Lair Level 3 (Act 2: Far Oasis)
Ancient Tunnels (Act 2: sewer beneath Lost City. Click the trap door)
Sewers Level 2 (Act 3: beneath Kurast Bazaar or Upper Bazaar)
Forgotten Temple (Act 3: Upper Kurast)
Ruined Fane (Act 3: Kurast Causeway -- bridge between Upper Kurast and Travincal)
Disused Reliquary (Act 3: Kurast Causeway -- bridge between Upper Kurast and Travincal)
River of Flame (Act 4: stairway within lava pit in City of the Damned)
Chaos Sanctuary (Act 4: where Diablo is fought)
The Worldstone Keep Level 1-3 (Act 5)
Throne of Destruction (Act 5)
Worldstone Chamber (Act 5: Baal)

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