A new guide to welcome everyone to Diablo III: Reaper of Souls

I do hope you have been making the best of your time, nephalem, because the sands in your hourglass have run out. The time has come for my master to sweep clean the streets of Westmarch, and your feeble efforts will mean little against our inevitable tide.
Today marks the arrival of Reaper of Souls™, and though there is much to explore and possibly aid you on your futile quest, I expect you to achieve little more than a swift and painful demise. Source
Fresh Blood
– The Crusader –
Taking on Death itself requires more than flashy spells, endless ammunition, and brute strength. If you are not confident in your current skills, perhaps you should look at other endeavors. Though I doubt the layers of armor and power of your feeble Light will stand against my blade, it is, perhaps, a good place to start.
The Crusader is the latest nephalem to challenge my lord. If you feel up to the task, you may consider taking up a flail and shield. But be advised—the path of the Crusader is a demanding one, and plotting out your skills and learning as much as possible about your Order would be wise. Catching you unawares would make my job far too easy.
Welcome to Death’s Lair
– Exploring Act V –
The siege has already begun, and you, my dear heroes, are late to the party. Challenge my brothers and sisters in Westmarch if you dare, but be aware—we will not fall easily.
Doubtful as your success may be, Malthael lies far beyond the city’s walls and you will have to traverse the deadly Blood Marsh before catching even a glimpse of possible victory. If it comes to pass that you find yourself face to face with my master on forgotten and distant battlefields, well… I wish you the best of luck. You will need it.
Train Up
– Beyond Level 60 –
Fortunately for you, it seems the time has come to shed your current constraints and grow further in power. Though it matters not, reaching the exalted 70th level of experience offers powers beyond your wildest imaginations. New skills are available for each brave warrior who rises to the challenge, and I dare say these impressive feats might provide a smidgen of advantage.
But do not take my word alone, as you may wish to try Avalanche, Vengeance, Epiphany, Piranhas, andBlack Hole for yourselves. I wholeheartedly advise becoming intimately familiar with these skills before employing them—I do not require further reason to regard you as fools.
Beyond Death’s Grasp
– Adventure Mode –
Hypothetically speaking, let us imagine for a moment you surpass all odds and save the world. What is a hero who has defeated the embodiment of Death to do? An infinite wealth of challenges lie beyond my master’s defeat, should you prove worthy. That traitorous Tyrael might have the odd job or two for you, and ancient tales speak of challenges meant only for the most powerful of nephalem.
Of course, that would not be you, so I would not concern yourselves with such hearsay.
Get All the Help You Can Get
– The Mystic –
It is unavoidable that you will struggle along your journey. Somehow, fate has looked kindly upon your unfortunate soul and guided the powerful Mystic to cross your path. Myriam is a stubborn ant who will not be stomped, despite my best efforts. Find her, and she may be grateful enough to enchant your equipment with more powerful abilities.
Of course, arrogant nephalem like you may find little need for more power, and instead may partake in frivolities such as ensuring your boots match your shoulder pads. Luckily, the Mystic will humor you in such ridiculous endeavors… for the appropriate coin.
No One Can Stop Death
– But You’re Welcome to Try –
I do hope my insights have proven helpful, adventurers. Whilst it is fated we meet one another on the battlefield, understand that my advice comes not from a place of good will. You are, after all, standing in opposition to my dear Angel of Death, and I am nothing if not a devoted servant.
Fare thee well, nephalem. I look forward to claiming your soul.