New York Times bestselling author Nate Kenyon released a newsletter to announce his latest non-Blizzard related novel titled “DAY ONE“, and mentioned he just finished writing Diablo III: Storm of Light
Nate Kenyon posted a video explaining his latest novel DAY ONE. While it is not Blizzard related, it gives you an idea of the level of story-telling he’s capable of, and why you shouldn’t miss Diablo III: The Order, StarCraft: Ghost–Spectres
and the upcoming Diablo III: Storm of Light

It’s been a little while since I’ve sent a newsletter because I’ve been busy writing and saving up news to share…now I have some exciting things to tell you about!
My latest thriller, DAY ONE, comes out on October 1. You’ll find plenty of information about it below, including a link to a fun preorder giveaway. Feedback has been fantastic so far, and I’m grateful because I believe it’s my best to date. In fact, Booklist gave it a starred review, their highest recommendation, and called it “a highly imaginative thriller” and “exciting and inventive.”
If you’re near the Boston area, I have a series of events scheduled to celebrate the release of DAY ONE, including a book launch party at Newtonville Books in Newton, MA on October 1 at 7 pm, a signing at Pandemonium Books on October 2 from 7-9 pm, and a signing at the Harvard Square Coop on October 29 from 7-9 pm. More events will be coming soon!
Click here to watch a video in which I talk a bit more about DAY ONE.
I’ve also just finished the next Diablo book, DIABLO III: STORM OF LIGHT. It will be out in February, and I’ll have additional information about it on my website soon.
Speaking of my website, it just been revamped…please stop by and let me know what you think!
As always, I’m grateful to hear from readers. You can contact me via my website any time.
Very best,