The following Diablo 3 merchants are random spawns which have a random chance to sell some really hard-to-find white quality items usually required to craft a Legendary Weapon. The Witch Doctor ceremonial knife legendary weapon requires a Tecpatl (white-quality item). It is sold by Adenah the Curio vendor.
Thus, this list might be useful to those who aren’t able to find a specific item that never drops from weapon racks. All the items mentioned are of white-quality. If you don’t see the item you need, close the window and wait 5-10 minutes. The vendor will update a new list of items eventually without having to leave the game.
Some of these merchants count toward the “Market Research” achivement.
Random Merchants
Adenah the Curio
Adenah the Curio Vendor – can be found in the House of Curios at Act I: Field of Misery. Very rare spawn. Usually when you see burning houses and the Forsaken Grounds doesn’t spawn.
Update: She spawned when the The Secluded Grove spawned instead of The Forsaken Grounds. The Bounty: The Cursed Grove was up when she spawned. She sells:
Archon Sash
Ascended Armor
Ascended Bracers
Ascended Crown
Ascended Greaves
Ascended Pauldrons
Diabolic Wand
Obsidian Skiver
Rakkisgard Bracers
Rakkisgard Shield
Superior War Belt
Superior Rakkisgard Armor
Thick Rakkisgard Shield
Halmin the Alchemist
Halmin the Alchemist – can be found at The Foundry — random dungeon in Act III: Battlefields. This dungeon is random. In adventure-mode there is a random chance to get Bounty: Clear the Foundry.
Kyr the Weaponsmith
Kyr the Weaponsmith – can be found at the Highlands Passage (right after exiting the Halls of Agony Level 2). Kyr is an extremely rare spawn. Took me about 40 attempts and a few server crashes. Create a campaign-mode game at Act I: 9. The Imprisoned Angel (The Cursed Hold).
Take the open Town Portal that takes you to the Highland Passage. If there is no portal, then take the waypoint to Halls of Agony level 2 and exit. When you see the checkpoint, the game is saved. If you don’t find Kyr the Weaponsmith, leave the game. This time there should be a Town Portal taking you to the checkpoint at the Highlands Passage.
Kyr starts the quest titled: A Reputation Restored – Kill Dargon and the Deranged Cultist. He sells:
Caldean Sword
Demon’s Head Wand
Hassan Chopper
Kerykeion (staff)
Solid Demon’s Head Wand
Spiked Fist
Larra – can be found at the Deserted Cellar in the Black Canyon Mines hiding beneath debris. In campaign-mode, create a game in Act II and choose 3. City of Bloode (Begin Quest). Take the waypoint to Black Canyon Mines and head north toward the gate.
To the side of the gate should spawn a door at the nearest building. If there is none, leave the game and resume. It takes a lot of attempts to get her to spawn. Sometimes the door is open but you will see a ritual where a Cultist siphons the life of several men. Larra spawns at the one where you find no NPCs. Walk to the back of the room next to the debris. She will talk to you and says: “Who’s there? Please, don’t eat me.” She will come out of her hiding place from beneath the debris.
Radek the Fence
Radek the Fence – can be found in campaign-mode in Act I at the Highlands Passage. Create a game at Act I – 9. The Imprisoned Angel (The Cursed Hold).
Take the open Town Portal that takes you to the Highland Passage. If there is no portal, then take the waypoint to Halls of Agony level 2 and exit. When you see the checkpoint, the game is saved. If you don’t find Radek the Fence, leave the game. This time there should be a Town Portal taking you to the checkpoint at the Highlands Passage. Radek sells:
Ascended Crown
Ascended Faulds
Ascended Gauntlets
Lionblade Bow
Rakkisgard Bracers
Rakkisgard Shield
War Belt
Rodger the Alchemist
Rodger the Alchemist – can be found at the Wortham Bluffs in Act I. In the campaign-mode, choose Act 1: 8. Trailing the Coven (Begin Quest).
Talk to Leah first or the Wortham gate will stay closed. Take the Wortham Chapel Cellar waypoint, open the gate and walk past the bridge. He should be after the bridge that leads to the entrace of the Caverns of Araneae. Rodger is a random spawn. If he’s not there, leave the game and restart.
Note: I’m not too certain he spawns in Adventure-mode. The bridge and area where he usually spawns is flooded with demons in adventure-mode.
Tashun the Miner
Tashun the Miner – can be found inside the Lost Mines Level 2 in Act I: Fields of Misery. It’s a random dungeon found around the center of the map. Seems to spawn when the khazra comes through the Tinker’s Hovel door. Tashun is the vendor you see in New Tristram. Unsure if he shares the same merchant items.
In this version of the Lost Mines he sells:
Ascended Crown
Rakkisgard Helm
Rakkisgard Greaves
Stalwart Guardian
Vendel the Armorsmith
Vendel the Armorsmith – can be found at Watch Tower Level 2. This location is a random spawn in Southern Highlands.
Vendel the Armorsmith starts the quest: “The Scavenged Scabbard.” In Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, there is a random generated Bounty: The Scavenged Scabbard. Things he sells:
Ascended Headpiece
Ascended Mask
Ascended Shield
Stalwart Guardian
Superior Rakkisgard Pauldrons
Wandering Tinker
Wandering Tinker – can be found inside the Tinker’s Hovel. This is a random house that appears at the same spot every single time. It is located at the top-right corner of the map in Act I: Fields of Misery. Sometimes the house will have the door closed. Sometimes a Khazra will break the door and come out at you. Inside there are five corpses. Sometimes it will have Wandering Tinker selling stuff. She sells:
Ascended Armor
Ascended Faulds
Ascended Gauntlets
Rakkisgard Leg Plates
Stalwart Guardian
Tecpatl (ceremonial witch doctor white-quality item used to craft the legendary weapon: Living Umbral Oath)
Zaven the Alchemist
Zaven the Alchemist – can be found in Dahlgur Oasis. He’s a pretty rare spawn. He will spawn in one of two peninsula-like areas. You will see a bunch of Fallen and demons attacking a man. Kill them and a quest will appear on his head. Zaven the Alchemist will proceed to open the door and a dungeon will appear. This dungeon is named Mysterious Cave. That dungeon has a rare chance to spawn a chest that drops an item necessary to create the Staff of Herding (used to access Whimsyshire — read my guide here).
Update: Camped him and he doesn’t seem to sell white items. Only dyes and yellow weapons/gear.