From now until March 31, players who digitally prepurchase Diablo III: Reaper of Souls™ from theBattle.net Shop or redeem a retail game key in Battle.net Account Management can instantly claim their resplendent Wings of Valor! This epic pre-order bonus will be automatically sent to your existing Diablo III heroes—as well as any new heroes you create—as soon as your Reaper of Souls digital purchase completes or retail game key is redeemed.
If you’ve already digitally prepurchased Reaper of Souls, your Wings of Valor are waiting for you! To claim your spectacular spoils, log into the game on any one of your heroes and look for a small mail icon in the lower left of the screen. Click the mail icon to open the delivery window, select the Wings of Valor, and then click “Claim.” The wings will appear in your hero’s inventory and can be equipped immediately by right-clicking on the item’s icon.
As a reminder, if you pre-order Reaper of Souls at a retail store—either a physical Standard Edition or physical Collector’s Edition—be sure to redeem your Reaper of Souls game key via your Battle.net account on or before 11:59 p.m. PST on March 31, 2014. If you redeem your game key after that date, your pre-order loot (including Valla the Demon Hunter) will be consumed by the fires of the Burning Hells and lost forever. While you have six days from the expansion launch on March 25 to when you must enter your code, to be safe, you should secure your preorder today and be ready to input your game key on launch day.
For more information on the March 25 launch of Reaper of Souls, be sure to check out the official expansion website, and keep your demon-weary eyes glued to https://www.diablo3.com/for the latest news on the game.
We’ll see you in Westmarch!