The Knights of Westmarch who felled the armies of mighty Leoric are pure at heart and closely follow the teachings of Zakarum, the Religion of the Light. A battle-ready warrior for whom faith is a shield, the Paladin fights for what he believes to be right. His steadfastness gives him powers to bestow blessings to his friends and wreak cruel justice on foes. There are those who call the Paladin an overwrought zealot, but others recognize in him the strength and goodness of the Light.
Prayer | When active, aura slowly regenerates the life of you and your party. Required Level: 1. First level Heals +2 Radius: 10.7 yards Mana Cost: 1 per sec |
Cleansing | When active, aura reduces the length of time you and your party will remain poisoned or cursed. Required Level: 12 Prayer: +2 Life healed every 2 sec. First Level Duration reduced by 39% Radius: 10.7 yards CLEANSING RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: Prayer |
Meditation | When active, aura increases mana recovery for you and your party. Required level: 24. Prayer: +2 Life healed every 2 sec. First Level Mana Recovery Rate: +300% Radius: 10.7 yards MEDITATION RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: Prayer |
Defiance | When active, aura increases the defense of you and your party. Required Level: 6. First Level Defense: +70% Radius: 10.7 yards |
Vigor | When active, aura increases stamina recovery rate, maximum stamina, and movement speed for you and your party. Required Level: 18. First Level Run/Walk Speed: +13% Max Stamina: +50% Stamina Recovery Rate: +50% Radius: 10.7 yards |
Redemption | When active, aura attempts to redeem the souls of slain enemies to give you life and mana. Required Level: 30. Radius: 10.7 yards. First Level Chance to redeem soul: 24% Life/Mana Recovered: 25 |
Resist Fire | When active, aura decreases fire damage done to you and your party. Required Level: 1 First Level Resist Fire: +53% Radius: 10.7 yards |
Resist Cold | When active, aura decreases cold damage done to you and your party. Required Level: 6. First Level Resist Cold: +53% Radius: 10.7 yards |
Resist Lightning | When active, aura decreases lightning damage done to you and your party. Required Level: 12. First Level Resisting Lightning: 53% Radius: 10.7 yards |
Salvation | When active, aura decreases fire, cold and lightning damage done to you and your party. Required Level: 30. First Level Resist All: +61% Radius: 10.7 yards |
Might | When active, aura increases the damage done by you and your party. Required Level: 1. First Level Damage: +40% Radius: 10.7 yards |
Blessed Aim | When active, aura increases the attack rating for you and your party. Required Level: 12. First Level Attack Rating: +75% Radius: 10.7 yards |
Concentration | When active, aura increases the damage and decreases the chance that the attack will be interrupted for you and your party. Required Level: 18. Chance interruptable: 20%. First Level Damage: +60% Radius: 10.7 yards |
Fanatism | When active, aura increases damage, attack speed and attack rating for you and your party. Required Level: 30. First Level Attack Rating: +40% Your Damage: +50% Party Damage: +25% Attack Speed: +14% Radius: 7.3 yards |
Holy Fire | When active, aura damages nearby enemies with heavenly flames, and adds fire damage to your attack. Required Level: 6. First Level Fire Damage: 6-18 to your attack. Fire Damage: 1-3 Radius: 4 yards HOLY FIRE RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: Resist Fire: +18% fire damage per level Salvation: +6% fire damage per level |
Holy Freeze | When active, aura freezes nearby monsters, and adds cold damage to your attack. Required Level: 18. First Level Cold Damage: 10-15 to your attack Cold Damage: 2-3 Enemies Slowed 30% Radius: 4 yards HOLY FREEZE RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: Resist Cold: +15% cold damage per level Salvation: +7% cold damage per level |
Holy Shock | When active, aura causes pulses of electricity to damage nearby enemies, and adds lightning damage to your attack. Required Level: 24. First Level Lightning Damage: 1-60 to your attack Lightning Damage: 1-10 Radius: 4 yards HOLY SHOCK RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: Resist Lightning: +12% lightning damage per level Salvation: +4% lightning damage per level |
Thorns | When active, aura reflects damage done to you back at your attacker. Required Level: 6. First Level 250% damage returned Radius: 10.7 yards |
Sanctuary | When active, aura damages the undead and knocks them back. Required Level: 24 First Level Damage to Undead: +150% Magic Damage: 8-16 Radius: 3.3 yards SANCTUARY RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: Cleansing: +7% magic damage per level |
Conviction | When active, aura reduces the defenses and resistances of nearby enemies. Required Level: 30. First Level Defense: -49% Resist All: -30% Radius: 13.3 yards |
Sacrifice | Increased accuracy and damage at the cost of Life. Required Level: 1. 8% damage to Self. First Level Attack Rating: +20% Damage: +180% SACRIFICE RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: Redemption: +15% damage per level Fanatism: +5% damage per level |
Zeal | Allows you to attack multiple adjacent enemies with a single attack. Required Level: 12. Mana Cost: 2 First Level 2 Hits Attack Rating: +10% ZEAL RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: Sacrifice: +12% damage per level |
Vengeance | Fire, lightning, and cold damage are added to each successful attack. Required Level: 18. First Level Attack Rating: +20% Fire Damage: +70% Cold Damage: +70% Cold Length: 1.2 sec Lightning Damage: +70% Mana Cost: 4 VENGEANCE RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: Resist Fire: +10% fire damage per level Resist Cold: +10% cold damage per level Resist Lightning: +10% lightning damage per level Salvation: +2% elemental damage per level |
Conversion | Converts monsters to fight against other foul demons and beasts. Required Level: 24. Duration: 16 sec Mana Cost: 4 First Level Chance to Convert: 7% |
Holy Bolt | A bolt of divine energy that damages undead enemies or heals allies. Required Level: 6. First Level Magic Damage: 8-16 Heals: 1-6 Mana Cost: 2 HOLY BOLT RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: Blessed Hammer: +50% magic damage per level Fist of the Heavens: +50% magic damage per level Prayer: +15% life healed per level |
Blessed Hammer | Summons an ethereal hammer that spirals outwards damaging enemies it hits. Required Level: 18. Damage to Undead: +50% First Level Magic Damage: 12-16 Mana Cost: 5 BLESSED HAMMER RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: Blessed Aim: +14 magic damage per level Vigor: +14% magic damage per level |
Fist of the Heavens | Lightning strikes your target as holy bolts seek out nearby enemies. Required Level: 30. Mana Cost: 25 First Level Lightning Damage: 150-200 Holy Bolt damage: 40-50 FIST OF THE HEAVENS RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: Holy Bolt: +15% holy bolt damage per level Holy Shock: +7% lightning damage per level |
Smite | Temporarily stun your enemy by bashing it with your shield. Required Level: 1. Mana Cost: 2 First Level Damage: +15% Stun Length: 0.6 sec |
Charge | Charge into battle and attack an enemy. Required Level: 12. Mana Cost: 9 First Level Attack Rating: +50% Damage: +100% CHARGE RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: Vigor: +20% damage per level Might: +20% damage per level |
Holy Shield | Enhances your shield with divine power. Required Level: 24. Mana Cost: 35 First Level Smite Damage: +3-6 Defense: +25% Successful Blocking: +14% Duration: 30 sec HOLY SHIELD RECEIVES BONUSES FROM: Defiance: +15% defense per level |
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