Our loved Diablo III community manager Nevalistis has announced that she is leaving Blizzard Entertainment.

This is, undoubtedly, one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to write. Not gonna lie, it took me a few tries.

March 27, 2020 will be my final day as Diablo Community Manager, and at Blizzard Entertainment. I’m not leaving for any ill reasons; my team here has always been understanding and kind, every developer I’ve had the honor of interacting with has been delightfully passionate, and the decision to leave was ultimately mine alone. I have an opportunity to explore a new and very different adventure, and if you’re curious about that, I’ll share more about it on my personal channels. Sometimes, opportunity presents itself and you just gotta roll the dice.

What I want to focus on is expressing my gratitude to this community 567 . For welcoming me when I stumbled in at the announcement of Reaper of Souls. For making me feel at home as I was trembling on livestream, fighting stage fright while introducing the expansion to the world. For all the smiles, high-fives, hugs, and selfies at conventions (especially BlizzCon). For the absolute conviction and passion for Sanctuary that I see in every player’s post, whether it’s excitement over the latest Season or constructive criticism for your favorite class. Regardless of highs and lows, this is one of the best communities out there, and the heart of it is warm, caring, and filled with people who just want more Diablo.

Thank you for permitting me to be a part of your community. Thank you for reading my weird blogs 250 and tolerating my terrible puns and memes. And thank you for staying awhile to listen. I’ve had an incredible opportunity learn and grow as person that I’ll carry with me the rest of my life, and I can’t wait to delve the depths of the Burning Hells and face down the mother of Sanctuary alongside the rest of you.

Lastly, rest assured that the Diablo community will be left in good hands. I’ve spent a fair amount of my final weeks here preparing to pass the torch to those who will follow in my footsteps and working with the team here to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible. You won’t be left unheard or unacknowledged, but please be understanding while the next folks get settled in. We’re all here to battle the demons of Hell together, after all!

I’ll see you in Sanctuary, adventurers. — source

Like clockwork, Blizzard Careers posted a job opening for a Diablo IV Community Manager.

Manager, Community Development, Diablo Franchise

Blizzard is seeking a well-itemized Manager of Community Development to lead our community efforts on the Diablo franchise. This is someone who has a deep understanding of what is required to grow, engage, and build player communities on a global scale, and is passionate about developing a team of player-centric community professionals required to meet the needs of the product and community. They are end-game content and channel strategists, comfortable collaborating with influencer networks, and have all the requisite mats to craft strategic community plans and programs. Most importantly they have a deep appreciation for the importance of player trust, and always puts the player at the center of their thinking.


  • Leadership. Lead a team of talented community professionals with clarity and empathy, providing vision, being receptive to their needs, and always raising their paragon level.
  • Strategic Planning. Own and drive the short and long-term community strategy for the Diablo franchise, translating strategy into plans of action, and setting clear goals and objectives for the team.
  • Global Program Management. Develop and manage best-in-class global community and influencer programs, delivering against near-term product goals, while achieving long-term community objectives.
  • Content and Channel Development. Remain at the forefront of rapidly changing community ecosystems, defining what good looks like for the team and franchise, and ensuring continued product relevance.
  • Collaboration. Collaborate with cross-functional publishing teams, development stakeholders, and external partners, and align them around key community goals and initiatives.
  • Knowledge. Add to the ever-expanding Tomb of Community Knowledge to learn and grow, understand what is working and what is not, and continuously improve the team.


  • A minimum 3+ years’ experience leading and managing community teams on major consumer brands and/or entertainment franchises
  • Experience working on mobile games, and managing and growing mobile gaming communities
  • Demonstrated track record managing major community programs at scale, including new channel growth, developer communications, influencer activations, and content creator initiatives
  • Master of communication channels and the nuances between the strategy, content, and audience for each
  • Pro-active planner comfortable working across multiple complex and highly matrixed workstreams
  • Always keeps it hundo p


  • Advanced degrees in communication, marketing, or related field
  • Project management training and experience
  • Proficiency with Confluence, JIRA, Sharepoint, Sprinklr, Wrike
  • A passionate gamer possessing ample experience with Blizzard games
  • Existing strong personal network within Blizzard’s communities

Required Application Materials

  • Resume
  • Cover Letter which should include:
    • Why you are interested in working at Blizzard
    • What games you are currently playing
  • Examples of written work and/or past community programs they are proud of

**Only submittals with the above three materials will be considered.


Apply for this job here.

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BlizzCon 2019 Panel Transcripts