This was definitely a no-brainer, but it’s still great to see how successful the sales on this Insight Editions / Blizzard Entertainment licensed product is, and how fans craving more info about Diablo III have pushed the Diablo III: Book of Cain
to become the # 2 Best Seller Fantasy Graphic Novel by sheer pre-orders. This book is not yet on sale until December 13!
To reach the # 2 Best Seller, Diablo III: Book of Cain has beaten the likes of Scott Pilgrims Precious Little Boxset, Frank Miller’s Holy Horror, Sandman, Twilight The Graphic Novel Vol. 1, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight Volume 8: Last Gleaming.
We recently posted an 8-page preview of Diablo III: Book of Cain, released by Insight Editions in the eve of BlizzCon 2011.
Before that I posted a video and some extra info about this book after my visit to the 2011 New York Comic Con held last week.
Feel free to pre-order this awesome book, and let’s push it so it becomes the # 1 best seller graphic novel. Tell family and friends. Spread the word on forums and networks. Let’s work, folks.
During the publishing panel, they said they were thinking of doing the same sort of thing for StarCraft and Warcraft. Those are gonna be BIG books. 😀