Author: medievaldragon

10-hour UMS contest

Star Alliance and Campaign Creations hosted a contest where participants must complete a UMS map for starcraft within 10 hours (honor system).  This contest is over, Dark Primus who led the competition has notified the...

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StarCraft downloads.

Clicky! Thanks to the StarCraft modding comunity for these three downloads.  All three of these projects may be found no-where else.  I’ll try and get MFTGATMF into a smaller rar file within the...

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About the Affilites

Sorry for the lack of an affilite listing, that’s actually something I wanted to get installed before the launch of the new site, but slipped my mind completely.  So now would be your best chance to contact me about...

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Blizzplanet relaunches soon

After a long absence due to some security issues with PHPnuke, we will be relaunching in October.  DarkNemesis has been working on a custom website system for few months, and has notified me that we may be ready to roll on...

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About BlizzPlanet’s Status

Should take us about to the end of the month to finish up. Starcraft Campaign Contest is experiencing communication difficulties. Fanart Contest is on hold untill we have all the images upload the fanforce email is being read...

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Keys of Sealing

Keys of Sealing 2.21 News post from: RazorclawX quote:I created a new version of Keys of Sealing. This version requiresthe TFT 1.17 beta patch or later to play. This version has asignificantly smaller file size and rearranges...

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From Camapign Creations

Campaigncreations: I need an army of good men by Warbringer87 at 6:46 PM – Saturday, August 28, 2004 We here at Campaign Creations have an urgent need of testers for a lot of Maps we have. These maps need to be tested...

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